Kabupaten Samosir adalah sebuah kabupaten yang dimekarkan dari Kabupaten Toba Samosir berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 36 tahun 2003. Kabupaten Samosir berada di tengah-tengah Propinsi Sumatera Utara.
Kabupaten Samosir terdiri dari danau, lembah dan bukit memiliki obyek dan daya tarik wisata yang beraneka ragam baik budaya maupun alam yang masih asli dan alamiah, menjadi ciri khas dan pesona tersendiri untuk dikunjungi.
Berbagai peninggalan sejarah maupun budaya dan alam yang khas, langka/sulit ditemukan didaerah lain, dimana potensi ini tersebar di 9 (sembilan) kecamatan.
Samosir district is a district of Toba Samosir seperated by Act No. 36 of 2003. Samosir regency was in the middle of North Sumatra Province.
Samosir regency consists of lakes, valleys and hills have objects and attraction of diverse culture and nature both pristine and natural, is characteristic and charm to visit.
Various cultural and historical heritage and unique natural, rare / hard to find in other areas, where the potential is spread over 9 (nine) districts.
Samosir regency consists of lakes, valleys and hills have objects and attraction of diverse culture and nature both pristine and natural, is characteristic and charm to visit.
Various cultural and historical heritage and unique natural, rare / hard to find in other areas, where the potential is spread over 9 (nine) districts.
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