Anda ingin masuk kedalam kolam dan berlari bertelanjang kaki menuju Toba-toba melewati bentangan sawah yang menguning menunngu saat dipanen? Coba datanglah ke Sianjur Mula-mula dan tinggal di Opung Dea Sagala, ada petualang seru menunggu Anda. Bahkan anda dapat meraasakan proses pengelolaan kopi "ateng" yang menjadi andalan penduduk sekitar yang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani. Pohon kopi ini menjadi pohon emas bagi penduduk setempat, seperti apa ceritanya dapat anda temukan jawaban di Sianjur Mula-mula. Ambil telepon anda dan segera telepon saya, Leni Samosir.
Pernahkah anda mengetahui kegunaan dari kopi? Secangkir minuman yang menghangatkan tubuh dan suasana? Tidak bukan hanya untuk itu sahabat, kopi bahkan bisa digunakan untuk pelengkap bahan bangunan! Seperti apa proses penanaman? Seperti apa kebun kopi? Seperti apa proses pemetikkan dan proses pengelolaan kopi? Datanglah ke kampung Sianjur Mula-mula dan Hubungi saya, Leni Samosir di +6281265991821 datang dan nikmati petualangan tersebut bersama-sama.
You want to get into the pool and ran barefoot towards the Toba-Toba through a stretch of paddy fields menunngu when harvested? Try to come to Sianjur First and lived in Opung Dea Sagala, no exciting adventure waiting for you. Even you can meraasakan coffee management process "Ateng" is a mainstay of the population around the subsistence farmers. Coffee tree is a tree of gold for the local population, such as what the story can be found in Sianjur answer at first. Grab your phone and call me right away, Leni Samosir.
Have you know the use of coffee? Cup of drink that warms the body and the atmosphere? Not not only for the friends, the coffee could even be used to complement the building materials! What kind of planting? What kind of coffee plantations? What kind of process and process management pemetikkan coffee? Come to the village and Sianjur First Contact me at +6281265991821 Samosir Leni come and enjoy the adventure together.
Have you know the use of coffee? Cup of drink that warms the body and the atmosphere? Not not only for the friends, the coffee could even be used to complement the building materials! What kind of planting? What kind of coffee plantations? What kind of process and process management pemetikkan coffee? Come to the village and Sianjur First Contact me at +6281265991821 Samosir Leni come and enjoy the adventure together.